Margot is six weeks tomorrow, so today marks the last official day of my maternity leave. It's been a wonderful month and a's been an exhausting month and a half. Dealing with a toddler in the throes of his terrible twos (it's bad, y'all), plus having a still-teensy newborn (she's still only about 8.5 pounds) that doesn't sleep through the night has been far and away the most difficult job I've ever had - and I used to deal with murderers on a daily basis. I'm relatively ready to have adult conversations again, and to not dwell in a world where I reward myself just for showering, but I'll miss the hell out of my Moms & Marms time.
We have taken a ton of pictures, so I'll let them speak for themselves. We're smitten with our beautiful, temperamental little girl, and wouldn't change anything about the time we've had with her so far - diaper blow-outs, sleepless nights, and all.

And, last but not least, Halloween!
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