Friday, December 13, 2013

Fordisms Part 2 & Making Faces - Ford Edition

Fordisms at 2 years 8 months  (for the first round of Fordisms see this post):

  • Ford and mom's very favorite thing is to say together, "One...two...three...DAD-DY C-MON!"  We do creepy, quiet, and slow renditions as well.  When daddy tries to count we hush each other, and when daddy tries to say it with us we say, "No, we say it!"  We find this very, very funny.
  • "Margot, Margot, Margot, Margot!  I love her!  She's tiny!  Like a bee!  Bees are tiny."
  • For about a month he was coming up to us and saying what sounded to us like, "Nikki Zack!"  We finally figured out recently that this meant "sneaky sock!"  He puts his arm up into his sleeve, points his sleeve at you, and says "neeky zok!" and laughs hysterically.  
  • Around Halloween, he kept pointing in the car and saying "Clerclo!" We couldn't understand him and would say "Clerclo?"  and he would get adamant: "No!  I saying 'clerco'!"  Finally we figured it out: "Scarecrow."  
  • We let him watch an episode of the '90s animated Batman series on Netflix a few months ago - turns out, Batman is too advanced for a two and a half year old.  Whoops.  It was about an army of evil robot Santas that took over Gotham.  (Awesome, right?)  For months Ford would say, "I'm mean Santa!  Grrrrr!"  It was pretty embarrassing in public.  Luckily, this phase has passed and he loves [nice] Santa now.
  • This season every time we're in the car post 5 p.m. it's "Missmas lights!  ...Where'd Missmas lights go?  ...More Missmas lights!  And Missmas decorations!" the entire ride.
  • Sometimes out of nowhere he'll call his dad "Jamie" and Margot "Marms," picking up on the nicknames we'll use.  But when I ask him, "What's my name?" he'll say, "You not have a name.  You just mommy."
  • We'll say, "Ford, are you a goose?"  and he'll say, "no, I'm just Fordman."  We'll say, "Ford, you crazy!" and he'll respond. "I'm not crazy, you crazy!"  Every time.
  • His favorite song for at least six months now has been Passion Pit's "Take a Walk."  When you try to sing the chorus with him he says, "No, me singing it."
  • When he wants something and you say no, he says, "Yes, that's how it goes!"  When you say or do something he doesn't agree with, he says, "That's not how it goes!"
Finally, he loves the camera these days - but not usually for smiling.  He loves taking selfies then looking at them and saying "Heeeeey!  We lilly!"  ("lilly" = "silly," which is not to be confused with our dog Lilly).  Here are some lilly pics of Ford featuring the rest of the fam:

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy two months, Margot!

A lot has happened in these two months.  At the one-month mark, we felt like Margot still slept all the time, and in those rare moments awake she was fussy.  Now, she's awake more often, has much more of a personality, and is just as smiley and reactive as Ford was. 

I went back to work at six weeks, and she started daycare at seven.  She's been doing great, they say, though they don't give many specifics since she doesn't do much of anything yet.

She's sleeping from 10:30pm to 4am, then wakes up again when we do to get ready for work.  We have no idea how much she weighs as she goes into the doctor tomorrow, but I'd guess a little over 10 pounds.  I feel like she's getting so big on us already but as Ford says, "Margot!  She's tiny!"

By way of comparison, here were Ford's two month pictures.

Monday, November 11, 2013

At home with Margot + Halloween

Margot is six weeks tomorrow, so today marks the last official day of my maternity leave.   It's been a wonderful month and a's been an exhausting month and a half.  Dealing with a toddler in the throes of his terrible twos (it's bad, y'all), plus having a still-teensy newborn (she's still only about 8.5 pounds) that doesn't sleep through the night has been  far and away the most difficult job I've ever had - and I used to deal with murderers on a daily basis.  I'm relatively ready to have adult conversations again, and to not dwell in a world where I reward myself just for showering, but I'll miss the hell out of my Moms & Marms time.  

We have taken a ton of pictures, so I'll let them speak for themselves.  We're smitten with our beautiful, temperamental little girl, and wouldn't change anything about the time we've had with her so far - diaper blow-outs, sleepless nights, and all.

First, at home as a family of four:

 Fun at the pumpkin patch and decorating our pumpkins:

And, last but not least, Halloween!