It's been a fun past month or so! Thank goodness for activities to keep me busy and make the time go by a little faster. In late January, Jamie and I traveled up to Richmond, VA to watch our boss give a Fourth Circuit Appellate argument (yes, for those of you who don't know, Jamie and I work together; we're one of those couples):
We also went back to the doctor for our second round of 3D ultrasound pics. If you remember, we got them in week 29, but Lil Fil didn't want to cooperate much; so, they brought us back in during week 31. At 29 weeks he was measuring 6 days ahead of schedule; this time, a full week. He still wanted to put nearly everything he could in front of his face (the cord, his hands, his feet, the placenta...), but we finally got some good shots:
The first weekend in February, we headed to Charlotte to celebrate my brother's 24th birthday and for a baby shower thrown by two of my best friends from college, Becky and Jenni. I was pleasantly surprised by how many of my friends know how much I love animals. But then I realized animals are a pretty easy baby theme, so it may have been just coincidence. I got to see a lot of my friends I hadn't seen in awhile, so it was a fun, fun shower. Plus, I got to see how many cool things you can make out of diapers.
Happy birthday, brother!
Becky, me, and Jenni, with their amazing diaper tricycle. |
Steph's amazing diaper cow. |
Me at 32 weeks and Logan at 29 weeks.
Not sure how she's only three weeks behind me. |
And finally, last weekend we played photographers with our sweet new camera...
How fake does my belly look? |
My lopsided stomach; he, like always, was
sitting almost completely on my right side. |
Recap of Weeks 30 - 33:
- Lil Fil is the size of: ..? There's no way to really know at this point, but probably somewhere close to 5 and a half pounds and 18ish inches.
- I have gained: about 26 pounds.
- I physically feel: good, considering. A lot of swelling in my hands and feet - I haven't been able to wear any of my shoes or rings in over a month now. And some acid reflux, which is supposedly normal (as there's much less space in my stomach area for the food to go).
- I emotionally feel: great! Ready to move on to the next phase.
- I love: when people agree with me that I'll be early.
- I hate: when people comment that I must be due any day. No, but thanks. I get it, I'm huge. (This is not to be confused with people asking when I'm due. I don't mind being asked - I realize I'm not special, and don't expect you to remember my birthday, much less my due date, when there are tons of arbitrary dates to memorize - as long as being asked isn't in a way that insinuates I'm due [much] sooner than I actually am.) Also, words like "exploding" - not cool.
- Comment(s) of the week: "Wow, your boobs haven't even gotten big!" - My friend Logan at my shower, while everyone was commenting on how big my stomach has gotten. Thanks, Lo :)
- Milestone: Lil Fil is due next month! ("Next month" not to be confused with "in a month"...still have six weeks to go.)
31 weeks |
33 weeks |
You look GREAT! I'll be counting down with ya :)
ReplyDeleteLove the 3D Ultrasound and the belly pic!!!! So sweet! You look great! Can't wait to see you this weekend.