2011 = the year of The Baby = less than three months to go and we still don't know what we're doing = baby things in full swing.
We toured our hospital last Monday; it was the first time either of us had been in a hospital in Winston-Salem (which I suppose is a good thing). People keep asking me where I'm delivering, but Forsyth Hospital is actually the only hospital that delivers babies. So, easy decision; I like those. The hospital has a really nice maternity wing that's separate from the rest of the hospital, and the rooms and bathrooms were big, so we were impressed. Jamie really likes it because it "doesn't smell like death."
This past Thursday, we went in for our 3D ultrasound, which Jamie had given me as my birthday present last month (it's not "medically necessary," just really cool, so healthcare doesn't cover it). Apparently Lil Fil didn't want to move around much for the sonographer, so the umbilical cord and all kinds of other miscellaneous stuff in there with him was blocking his little face. Below is one of the better pictures we could get of his whole face at one time, but we're scheduled to go back in in a couple of weeks to try to get some better shots. I was actually kind of glad it didn't work as well as it was supposed to, because now we get two for one.
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Handsome (and flexible) Lil Fil at 29 weeks; the blob at the bottom right under his chin is actually his left foot. |
We also started the first of our four Lamaze classes on Thursday as well. The first hour of each class we'll spend learning important labor things, and the second half is the get-on-the-floor-and-grab-your-pillows breathing exercises that you typically think of when you think Lamaze. I got to see a display of what 1 through 10 cm dialated looks like, which was super fun (not), and got to practice staying calm and breathing slowly as Jamie applied pressure to my thigh with his hand...which I'm sure feels pretty similar to labor (not).
This weekend we headed to Charlotte. On Saturday I had a baby shower with the ladies from my mom's office, thrown by my mom's friend and coworker, Donna. Baby showers are a surprisingly good way to get info on babies, so I learned a lot of helpful things (among them: babies go through WAY more diapers, sheets, and clothes than you'd think possible; you need to read instruction manuals before you throw away odd extraneous-looking parts of baby gear; it is not considered appropriate to dress your cat in the baby's clothes then gift them down when the baby is born). Anyway, thanks to all of you for being there; I've known you all for a l-o-n-g time and I appreciate you being a part of this new chapter in my life. And, it's good to know that my mom has not only guilted you into buying things for me and my brother over the years, but for my unborn child, too. Kidding (I hope)!
Hostess Donna and her favorite monkey (apparently my mom isn't the only one who loves stuffed animals :) |
Dad-to-be comes to the shower! Coincidentally, just in time to pack the car. |
We also celebrated my mom's (self-proclaimed 39th) birthday. Here is her gift from Baby Fil:
Recap of Weeks 27, 28, & 29:
- Lil Fil is the size of: 3 lbs, 7 oz, as of this past Thursday, per the sonographer. The average is 3 lbs, so he's about a week ahead of schedule, weight-wise. I took it as a positive sign he'll be early; Jamie took it as a sign he'll just be big.
- I have gained: 20 pounds even.
- I physically feel: good, considering. I definitely feel myself slowing down a little, I'm showing some signs of anemia (even though I'm taking an iron supplement) and low blood pressure again, and I'm starting to have some lower back pain. The extra 20 pounds on me is noticeable now, especially at the end of each day. Still, I'm not trying to complain because I am thankful I've had it relatively easy thus far...
- I emotionally feel: great! I got to see my friend Jennifer's newborn baby Clark (congrats Morrison family!) in the hospital this morning when he was just around a day old; he's a good refresher on keeping my eye on the prize whenever I'm not feeling so hot.
- Comment(s) of the week: "I feel like he's going to be the hot guy in class." - Our friend Katie, on hearing Lil Fil's name.
- Milestone: We finally broke down and bought an SUV - a Volvo XC90 for those of you interested in cars - in anticipation of transporting Baby Fil and all of his baby items. I am not really an SUV person, but I have to admit it's come in handy in transporting our dogs and baby gifts lately, and the baby's not even here yet.
28 Weeks |
29 Weeks |
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