We spent Labor Day at Ocean Isle and got our last beach trip in of the summer. It's amazing how quickly stretched-out skin can burn; I never invested in a maternity swimsuit, but I can see how people do, as I lathered on 70 SPF on my belly but still had to keep it covered.
25 weeks (4th of July) v. 33 weeks (Labor Day) |
I've mentioned this before, but I will repeat: To me, the worst part of being really pregnant is all of the random comments from those who would normally think it's not appropriate to talk to a stranger. I get so many double takes. Walking on the beach with a coworker, she said, "I kept wondering why people kept looking at me, then I realized they were looking at you."
On that note, I'm thrilled football is back, but there's no better way to get a lot of comments than to be in a large public space with a bunch of drunk people. At the Panthers home opener I got, "You are large and in charge," "I hope you're on your way to the hospital," and a 40-something sticking his beer gut out and telling me he has me beat (and he probably did; something to be proud of).
Tailgating with Bryan, Mary, Aunt Steph, and Uncle Rob |
Showing some 'merica love |
"What an exciting game!" - Ford |

We had a visit this past weekend from law school friends with their baby girls Coverly and Addie so Ford got to play big brother a little bit.
Coverly! |
Addie! |
Coverly and Addie! |
Ford turns 2.5 tomorrow! In honor of his half birthday, here are some facts and Fordisms:
- His two favorite things, by far, are puzzles and soccer. I'm not sure of the standard two-year-old's skill level, but I think he's pretty good at both of them.
- He also requests daily "We watch movie, have popcorn!" His favorite movie is Cars.
- When I went to pick him up at school, he hands a block back to his friend, runs back to me and yells "That was nice of me!"
- When asked what he did at school, he always answers "um...playground." When asked what he had for lunch, he always answers "peas." When asked what he wants for dinner, he always answers "tacos."
- He calls burps "Berts"
- When he's upset, he says "I'm a big boy sad."
- When I ask how big Margot will be, he replies "super big!" and holds out his arms.
- When Jamie put him down to bed, he said "You make me very happy." Ford replied, "Yeah, but I make you sad too. I poop in my pants." (We're working on potty training.)
- His favorite game is yelling "Mommy/Daddy is monster, I better hide!" hiding behind the curtains in our living room.
- He's starting to have nightmares. He'll wake up every few nights in the middle of the night crying. When I check on him, he says, "let's go to your bed and talk about it."
- His friends at school all ask me why the baby hasn't come out of my belly yet. Ford runs up to me and says, "that's baby Margot, that's my sister!" Already protective :)
Flexing muscles to the muscle at the Greek festival. |

Still in his crib, but he's starting to considering other options |
Singing "T[w]inkle T[w]inkle Little Star" to baby sister before bed |
Recap of Weeks 34 - 36:
- Lil Fil 2.0 is the size of: supposedly almost 6 pounds and about 18.5 inches long. I go in for my last (ever, probably!) ultrasound on Thursday, so I'll have a better estimate then.
- I have gained: about 20 pounds
- I feel: overall, okay. I have to pee about five times per night, which makes no sense as I can go periods of 6 to 7 hours during the day, when I'm actually consuming liquid. I'm having a lot of pressure in my hips and abdomen, but people say it looks like I haven't dropped (I don't pretend to be able to tell), so who knows whether that's a sign that things will happen early or not. Ford was 13 days early, so I keep expecting to go any minute now, when realistically I still have almost a full month left.
34 weeks |
36 weeks |