Jamie and I (finally) made our first trip to the obstetrician today. We learned a lot, but it made me realize that I'm never going to feel like I know enough; I guess that's a suitable first lesson on becoming a parent.
Without further ado, here is our lil Fil! You can't tell from the still image below, but at the end of the video we got to take home with us, (s)he waves at us! No joke; and it's a pretty impressive Miss America-like (or the masculine equivalent) wave, at that.
As you can see, baby no longer has a tail. Nice.
We also got to hear the heartbeat, which is amazing - both in that it makes it seem so much more real, and in that it's beating so fast it must be running a freakin' marathon inside of me. As of today, lil Fil's lil heart is clocking in at 173. According to the old wives' tale, that means a girl. According to science, that means it's still a 50/50 shot either way (science, for once, giving us back that sense of mystery instead of explaining it away :).
Today was a much-needed confirmation that there really is a baby in there, and an unbelievable sense of relief that everything is just as it should be. So, so far so good! Let's all give a warm welcome to baby, and a big Huzzah! for modern technology.